How do I block / disable Pop-ups?

How do I block / disable Pop-ups?

Aimed at:  Edinburgh Napier’s staff 

Pop-ups are not only annoying but are also used by hackers to entice you to download malicious software.

If you’re not careful you could be downloading a major security risk onto your computer!

They can appear in a number of forms and are designed to draw your attention and encourage you to take action.

Pop up image

Marketers use them to highlight special offers or get you to sign up on the newsletter or download a "free" trial.

Pop-up blockers are on the Edinburgh Napier University desktop as default.

Pop up image

To switch them on, on your home PC:

  • From Firefox:  Tools > Options > Content > ensure the Block pop-up Windows box is checked.
  • From Chrome:  From the Customise menu go to Settings > Show Advanced Settings > Privacy > Content Settings > Pop-ups > ensure the "Do not allow any site to show pop-ups" setting is checked.
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