What add-on products are available with MATLAB?

What add-on products are available with MATLAB?

Aimed at:  Edinburgh Napier’s staff

The following add-on products are available with MATLAB:

  • • Aerospace Blockset
    • Aerospace Toolbox
    • Antenna Toolbox
    • Audio System Toolbox
    • Automated Driving System Toolbox
    • Bioinformatics Toolbox
    • Communications System Toolbox
    • Computer Vision System Toolbox
    • Control System Toolbox
    • Curve Fitting Toolbox
    • DSP System Toolbox
    • Data Acquisition Toolbox
    • Database Toolbox
    • Datafeed Toolbox
    • Econometrics Toolbox
    • Embedded Coder
    • Filter Design HDL Coder
    • Financial Instruments Toolbox
    • Financial Toolbox
    • Fixed-Point Designer
    • Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
    • GPU Coder
    • Global Optimization Toolbox
    • HDL Coder
    • HDL Verifier
    • Image Acquisition Toolbox
    • Image Processing Toolbox
    • Instrument Control Toolbox
    • LTE HDL Toolbox
    • LTE System Toolbox
    • MATLAB Coder
    • MATLAB Compiler
    • MATLAB Compiler SDK
    • MATLAB Report Generator
    • Mapping Toolbox
    • Model Predictive Control Toolbox
    • Model-Based Calibration Toolbox
    • Neural Network Toolbox
    • OPC Toolbox
    • Optimization Toolbox
    • Parallel Computing Toolbox
    • Partial Differential Equation Toolbox
    • Phased Array System Toolbox
    • Polyspace Bug Finder
    • Polyspace Code Prover
    • Powertrain Blockset
    • Predictive Maintenance Toolbox
    • RF Blockset
    • RF Toolbox
    • Risk Management Toolbox
    • Robotics System Toolbox
    • Robust Control Toolbox
    • Signal Processing Toolbox
    • SimBiology
    • SimEvents
    • Simscape
    • Simscape Driveline
    • Simscape Electronics
    • Simscape Fluids
    • Simscape Multibody
    • Simscape Power Systems
    • Simulink 3D Animation
    • Simulink Check
    • Simulink Code Inspector
    • Simulink Coder
    • Simulink Control Design
    • Simulink Coverage
    • Simulink Design Optimization
    • Simulink Design Verifier
    • Simulink Desktop Real-Time
    • Simulink PLC Coder
    • Simulink Real-Time
    • Simulink Report Generator
    • Simulink Requirements
    • Simulink Test
    • Spreadsheet Link
    • Stateflow
    • Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
    • Symbolic Math Toolbox
    • System Identification Toolbox
    • Text Analytics Toolbox
    • Trading Toolbox
    • Vehicle Dynamics Blockset
    • Vehicle Network Toolbox
    • Vision HDL Toolbox
    • WLAN System Toolbox
    • Wavelet Toolbox 
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