How do I assign permissions in SharePoint (Office 365)?

How do I assign permissions in SharePoint (Office 365)?

Aimed at:  Edinburgh Napier’s staff

This article applies to Office 365 - SharePoint.  

Each teamsite user has a specific set of permissions (managed by the Site Owner / Administrator) which define the level of access they have to update the teamsite.   The table below explains the standard permission groups used within the University:  

Group Name Permissions  Permissions Defined
Owners Full Control Has full control of the site – can assign permissions, change the settings and delete content (and ultimately the site)
Members Contribute Can view, add, update and delete items on the site.  The majority of users would fall into this category.
Visitors  Read Only Can view only.  This should be used if you want a user to be able to view the Team Site content but not make any updates. 

Site Owners can add individuals but it is easier (and recommended) that users are added to groups.  

To add a user to a SharePoint group:

  • Click on the Settings cog in the top right corner of the screen, and choose Site Settings:

             SharePoint screenshot - Site Settings

  • Choose Site Permissions:

SharePoint screenshot - permissions

  • Click on the group name that you want to add the individual to e.g. [teamsite] Members
  • Click New > Add Users
  • Enter the email addresses of those you wish to assign permissions to
  • If you wish to send a message you can add that in the space provided, and ensure the "Send an email invitation" checkbox is ticked (if you don't see this click on Show Options).
  • Click Share.   The permissions will be assigned.  

Further information about SharePoint permissions can be found on the Microsoft website

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