How do I access my voicemail from home ?
Article Number: 734 | Rating: Unrated | Last Updated: Fri, Oct 1, 2021 1:06 PM
How do I access my voicemail from home ?
Aimed at: Edinburgh Napier’s staff
You can access your voicemail messages when you are out of the your office.
To access your voicemail message from a phone dial 0131 455 3333.
When you hear an automated woman's voice, press the * button on your phone.
You will then be prompted to enter your ID, this is the extension number of mailbox you are trying to access, followed by the # key.
You will then be prompted for a password - enter the 5 digit password for the mailbox, follow by the # key.
You are now within your mailbox and can access and delete any voicemail messages.
Further information about Voicemail can be found on the Voicemail intranet page