My Desktop IT Support Tool Articles RSS Feed
Where do I find my IP Address on an Edinburgh Napier desktop?
Viewed 31481 times since Tue, Jun 14, 2016
Where do I find my IP address on an Edinburgh Napier desktop? Aimed at:  Edinburgh Napier’s staff From an Edinburgh Napier desktop you can find your IP address by: Double clicking on the IT Support Tool icon on your desktop. Your IP address... Read More
Where do I find the MAC address on an Edinburgh Napier desktop?
Viewed 20853 times since Tue, Jun 14, 2016
Where do I find the MAC address on an Edinburgh Napier desktop? Aimed at:  Edinburgh Napier’s staff From an Edinburgh Napier desktop you can find your MAC address by: Double clicking on the IT Support Tool icon on your desktop: Click on the... Read More
What is the IT Support Tool?
Viewed 17067 times since Tue, Jun 14, 2016
What is the IT Support Tool? Aimed at:  Edinburgh Napier’s staff If you log on to any staff or student computer within Edinburgh Napier University you will see an IT Support Tool icon on the desktop: You can use the IT Support Tool to: Find i... Read More
How do I prepare my PC to Remote Connect?
Viewed 3574 times since Thu, Mar 12, 2020
How do I prepare my PC to Remote Connect? Aimed at:  Edinburgh Napier’s staff You can Remote Desktop Connect (RDC) to your office PC either from another PC within the University or from home via the Virtual Private Network - find out more... Be... Read More