Do I need a login ID to access Webex?

 Do I need a login ID to access Webex?

Aimed at:  Edinburgh Napier’s staff

To host a meeting you must login to either or to Moodle in order to schedule a Meeting/Training session. If you are using an on-campus computer you will be automatically logged in, but when off campus or connecting with wifi you’ll need to login using your University login ID and password.

Attendees do not need a login ID to join a Webex session if following a link from an invitation email from, although they will be prompted to enter their name and email address. Meeting passwords are usually encoded within the email's session link and so there will not be a prompt to enter it. 

Attendees joining a Webex session via a link on the Moodle page will have to login to Moodle, but will not be prompted to enter a name and email address as these details are autmatically passed to Webex.

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