What format does my University password need to be in?

What format does my University password need to be in?

Aimed at:  Edinburgh Napier’s staff

Password imageThe University's Password Policy requires your password to be in the following format:

  • Must contain at least 15 characters 
  • Can contain lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and symbols (including spaces)
  • Must not be the same as any of the previous passwords used for your University account, or any other account belonging to you
  • Must not contain your name or Edinburgh Napier number
  • Must not contain words such as “napier” or “password

Passphrases (sequences of words) and PINs (sequences of numbers) can also be used.  

You will be prompted to change your password every 365 days, however it must be changed if it’s suspected of being, or known to be compromised. 

You may also find the following article useful: What makes a good password?

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