How do I safely use a USB stick within the University?

How do I safely use a USB stick within the University?

Aimed at:  Edinburgh Napier’s staff

Within the University all PCs have USB ports enabling you to use USB memory sticks as an additional form of data storage.

The majority of machines have USB ports located on the front of the system.

You can plug the USB stick into the USB port any time after you log in.

The E drive on the PC will automatically be mapped once you plug the USB stick into the port and any data on the stick will be visible on the E drive when you open My Computer.  Please be aware, on some occasions the mapping process may take some time.

Removing a USB stick

You can remove the stick at any time as long as there is no data being transferred to/from the stick (the light will flash as data is being transferred). However, to avoid loss of data students are advised to wait until they’ve logged out before they remove the USB Stick.

Please note: if you forget to remove your USB stick a pop up will appear on the screen when you attempt to log off reminding you to remove the USB stick.

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