MS Office Articles RSS Feed
How do I get MS Office 2016 on my office computer?
Viewed 18814 times since Wed, May 10, 2017
How do I get MS Office 2016 on my office computer? Aimed at:  Edinburgh Napier’s staff If MS Office 2016 isn't currently available on your office computer, we would advise that you arrange to have your Operating System upgraded.   If you e... Read More
How do I find out which version of MS Office I’m using?
Viewed 14617 times since Tue, Aug 8, 2017
How do I find out which version of MS Office I'm using? Aimed at:  Edinburgh Napier’s staff To find out which version of MS Office you are running on an on-campus PC: Navigate to Microsoft Office via the Start menu.  The version of MS Off... Read More
How do I get Office 365 ProPlus installed on a University laptop?
Viewed 6704 times since Tue, Mar 12, 2019
How do I get Office 365 ProPlus installed on a University laptop? Aimed at:  Edinburgh Napier’s staff If you require MS Office to be installed on a staff laptop you have 2 options depending on whether the laptop is single user or shared users: ... Read More